Cathedral Peak 08/2017

It was a popular weekend climbing at Tuolumne Meadows in the summer of 2017. I was with Amber, Paul, and Chris and we were wanting to climb some of the classics. We slept in our cars by Tioga lake and woke up early to head for west crack, a super classic 5.9 on DAFF dome. We got to the base at 8am and there was only 1 party ahead of us - could have been worse! We flake the rope, rack up, get ready, and then wait for the team of 4 to get ahead. We noticed their style was … unusual to say the least. only 1 of the 4 were familiar with trad climbing and instead of limiting the group size or using multiple ropes with cowtails or a few different effective methods, they decided the leader would go up with 1 rope, the 2nd would follow but not clean the gear, the 3rd would pinkpoint the route, and then the 4th would follow and clean the gear. Then and only then can the leader rack up again and do the same thing over again. The first pitch involves a 5.9 mov...